Chartly is a simple plotting tool designed to help users create scientific plots with ease. Whether you want to test a distribution for normality or to plot contours onto a map of the globe, chartly can help you achieve your scientific plot with minimal effort. Chartly also allows users to plot multiple overlays and subplots onto the same figure.
The chartly package requires the following packages:
matplotlib >= 3.9.1
numpy >= 1.26.4
scipy >= 1.14.0
seaborn >= 0.11.0
To install the chartly package, run the following command:
pip install chartly
The Chartly package currently has eight (8) available scientific plots that can be created, namely:
Line Plot
Contour Plot
Normal Probability Plot
Cumulative Distribution Function Plot
Normal Cumulative Distribution Function Plot
Density Plot
Box Plot
Chartly allows users to build plots by first creating a main figure and then adding subplots to the figure. To initialize a main figure, users can create a Chart instance. Users can also label and customize the main figure my passing an optional dictionary. The dictionary should contain the following keys:
super_title (str): The title of the main figure.
super_xlabel (str): The x-axis label of the main figure.
super_ylabel (str): The y-axis label of the main figure.
share_axes (bool): Whether to share the y-axes across all subplots. Default is True.
import chartly
import numpy as np
# 1. Define the main figure labels
super_axes_labels = {"super_title": "Usage Of Chartly Example", "super_xlabel": "X", "super_ylabel": "Y", "share_axes": False}
# 2. Initialize a main figure by creating a chart instance
plot = chartly.Chart(super_axes_labels)
To create a plot, a user must create a subplot by calling the new_subplot method and passing it an optional dictionary of arguments. The dictionary should contain the following keys:
data: The data that will be plotted.
plot: The type of plot to be created.
Users can also customize and label the plots by including the following keys in the dictionary:
axes_labels: A dictionary containing the labels of the subplot.
customs: A dictionary containing the customization options of the plot.
# 3. Define Some Data
data = np.random.randn(100)
# 4. Build the plot dictionary
plot_payload = {
"plot": "histogram",
"data": data,
# 5. Plot the data
To overlay a new plot onto the current subplot, a user can call the overlay method and pass it a dictionary of arguments, similar to what is shown above:
# 6. build the overlay plot dictionary
plot_payload = {
"plot": "density",
"data": data,
# 7. Overlay the plot
To add a new subplot, users can call the new_subplot method again and pass it a dictionary of arguments.
# 8. build the plot dictionary
plot_payload = {
"plot": "boxplot",
"data": data,
# 9. Plot data onto new subplot
Users can also customize the axes of each subplot.
Users can change the scale of the x and y axes from linear to log. They can also change the base of the log scale. If the base is changed, ensure that the subplots are not sharing axes.
# 10. Define a random exponential function
exp_func = lambda x: np.e ** (-500 * x + 2)
x = np.linspace(0, 1, num=100)
y = list(map(exp_func, x))
# 11. build the plot dictionary
plot_payload = {
"plot": "line_plot",
"data": y,
"axes_labels": {"scale": "semilogy", "base": 10, "linelabel": "Semilogy Line"},
# 12. Plot exponential function
Finally, the figure can be rendered by calling the Chart instance.
# 13. Render the main figure
To save the figure that was rendered, users can call the save method. The default file format is eps and the default file name is chartly_plot. To change the file format and name, update the plot’s properties.
# 14. Save the figure with a different file format and name
plot.format = "jpg"
plot.fname = "my_plot"